Auto Debug Professional

A best api monitor tool, Auto monitor any API and COM Interface.

A best api monitor tool, Automatic monitor all API and COM Interface. can spy any dll's api. automatic analysis symbols with pdb files. easy to moitor input/output parameters. Source Code Level Monitor

Software Specs

Publisher:............ Auto Debug System

License:............... Shareware

Price:................... $299

Expire: ................ 30

File size:.............. 3.54 MB

Downloads:......... 1600

Release date:...... 30 May 2011

Last update:........ 21 Apr 2014

Language:............ English

Publisher review for Auto Debug Professional

Review by: Auto Debug System
An api monitor tool which can automatic tracing all apis input and output parameters. this application will auto trace the target program and monitor the input and output of function call. The software can help us to analysis program errors, process inside the target program.
Unlike others apispy or api monitor tools, the software did not need to develop any dll or hook dll.

A Best API Monitor tool.
Using VBScript or JScript to control Auto Debug.
Source Code Level Monitor.
Automatic analysis parameter type with pdb files.
Very easy generate pdb files without source code if you know the api prototype.
Supporting tracing COM and activex Interface.
Supporting monitor multi-thread.
Supporting spying the parameters of function before and after the function is called.
Supporting the function that the target program will dump CallStack when exception occurs.
Supporting Plug-in technology. The user can customize input format and output format.
Not need to know the prototype of the functions.
All the API functions, including the opened functions that are called inside the DLL, can be monitored in deed.
Operating system:
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98

Release notes:
Minor Update

Whats new in version
Export monitor result as text file.

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Auto Debug Professional download tags:

Auto Debug Auto-Tracing Tool Api monitor pdb monitor API COM Auto debug for Windows

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