BeeThink IP Blocker 1.6 free download

Block unwanted IP addresses based on IP blocklists.

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BeeThink IP Blocker info:

BeeThink IP Blocker is an application which will help you block unwanted IP addresses based on IP blocklists. It monitors network activities in real-time and prevents the connection between a server/website and certain IP addresses or ranges of addresses. BeeThink IP Blocker effectively bans undesired connections from those computers to a website, mail server, or other Internet server. It is very easy to block country IP addresses with Apache's .htaccess file. If users want to know where their computers communicate, the 'IP address look up' program will tell them more. Meanwhile, users can easily build up their blacklist or whitelist by simply clicking. If you want to block unwanted network access to your website, an Apache's .htaccess file will be a good choice. But the htaccess file can only prevent the unwanted connection to your server application which is at a higher level, it does not cut off the unwanted network connection to your server computer. In other words, hackers can easily invade your computer at a lower network layer.BeeThink IP Blocker works under NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) layer, which is the first layer that incoming network traffic passes through. Since NDIS filtering occurs at such a low level, BeeThink IP Blocker can filter each incoming and outgoing network packet. When a packet is received or sent from the user's computer, BeeThink IP Blocker will query the firewall rules to determine whether to let it pass through.... View more info

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