Geekbench 4.1.0
A cross-platform benchmark that measures your computer's processor and memory performance
A cross-platform benchmark that measures your computer's processor and memory performance
Software Specs
Publisher:............ Primate Labs
License:............... Demo
Price:................... $14.99
File size:.............. 86835.2 MB
Release date:...... 22 Feb 2013
Last update:........ 04 Apr 2017
Publisher review for Geekbench 4.1.0:
Review by: Primate Labs
Geekbench benchmark is a program that offers the possibility of estimating the fair deeds of your computer. It can then count the records of your processors by examining multiple tasks and algorithms. Memory is also assessed by the capture, migration and copy multiple inputs. Other components also pass the verification and recording on your hard disk or are sent to the publisher's website for review.
Intel Pentium II or AMD Athlon processor
512MB of RAM
Operating system:
Windows 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit / 10 / 10 64 bit
Geekbench screenshots:
Geekbench download tags:
cross-platform benchmark memory performance processor performance memory
Copyright information:
Based on 1 ratings. 1 user reviews.