Hardware Inspector 7.2.2

Computer inventory and management solution for IT automation

Hardware Inspector is a premium solution for computer hardware and software inventory. It is in high demand by System Administrators and IT managers. Multi-featured and reliable, Hardware Inspector reaches new heights in IT automation.


Software Specs

Publisher:............ Database Harbor Software

License:............... Shareware

Price:................... $199

Expire: ................ 30

File size:.............. 37478.4 MB

Downloads:......... 2173

Release date:...... 11 Dec 2009

Last update:........ 31 Mar 2017

Language:............ English, Russian, Ukrainian

Publisher review for Hardware Inspector 7.2.2:

Review by: Database Harbor Software
Hardware Inspector is a computer hardware and software inventory solution, which aims at keeping a record of maximum data on assets: installations, transfers, maintenance, accounting and warranty data, retirement facts, etc. Each asset has several ways for identification: specification, inventory and serial numbers, barcodes, etc. All this provides for strict and precise asset management.
Automated computer audit can find any deviation in computer configurations. It easily identifies missing, transferred and new devices. Computer audit has customizable interface, which allows users to choose elements for audit. Another feature is the opportunity to add import rules for fully automated device identification. Hardware Inspector has all necessary tools for effective computer inventory: barcode scanner support, barcode label templates, reports on inventory session progress and results. The setup includes the free program module for off-line inventory sessions.
Hardware Inspector features multilevel access permission: data access can be restricted to databases, workplaces tree nodes, devices types and program features. It provides strict responsibility delegation and allows different specialists to work in a global database without being distracted by irrelevant data.
The program has multiple reporting options - more than 80 report templates. Reports can be stored both on local machines and on the network. Users can easily either customize templates or create new ones with the help of the Visual Report Designer.
Hardware Inspector can be advantageously used as a Service Desk tool: complete hardware and software database, automated responsibility delegation, thorough control of request processing, etc. Services provided can be linked to asset maintenance history, which allows support managers to monitor device reliability, supporters' performance, etc. Integration with Hardware Inspector Service Desk, a web-interface for user-supporter communication.
128 MB RAM Celeron 733 MHz

Operating system:
Windows All

Database trial period is 30 days.

Release notes:
Major Update

Whats new in version 7.2.2:
Key changes in this version: * Asset Location Map. * "User details" report. * List of Transfer History. * List of Maintenance History. All in all 20 innovations, 20 changes and all known errors are fixed.

Download Hardware Inspector 7.2.2

Hardware Inspector screenshots:

Hardware Inspector 7.2.2 screenshot. Click to enlarge!

Hardware Inspector download tags:

computer management computer inventory hardware inventory asset management asset inventory management computer audit IT management license management device management network inventory asset tracking

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