
Comprehensive benchmark tool for CPU, RAM, ...

HeavyLoad is a benchmark tool that stresses all resources of a PC (like CPU, RAM, hard disk, operating system, etc.).


Software Specs

Publisher:............ JAM Software

License:............... Freeware

Price:................... 0.00

File size:.............. 9216 MB

Downloads:......... 1727

Release date:...... 18 Nov 2010

Last update:........ 02 Sep 2016

Language:............ English, German

Publisher review for HeavyLoad

Review by: JAM Software
HeavyLoad is intended to stress all resources of a PC (like CPU, RAM, hard disk, operating system, etc.) in order to test if it will run reliably under heavy load. This is useful for testing important file or database servers before using them productively, or just for checking if your new PC might get too hot when used intensively. To stress your PC or server, HeavyLoad writes a large test-file to the temp folder, it allocates physical and virtual memory, performs complex calculations and it draws patterns in its window.
Operating system:
Windows Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit / 10 / 10 64 bit

Release notes:
Major Update

Whats new in version
* Re-designed user interface * can be started with command line parameters * allocates more than 2GB of physical memory * the duration of the test can be set * the limitation for remaining disk capacity and memory can be defined * the speed for write tests and memory allocation can be set

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HeavyLoad screenshots:

HeavyLoad screenshot. Click to enlarge!

HeavyLoad download tags:

benchmark tool utility server

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