Jindent 4.2.4

Jindent Jindent - Source Code Formatter

Jindent Jindent - Source Code Formatter

Software Specs

Publisher:............ Newforms - Software Development

License:............... Trial

Price:................... $98.00

File size:.............. 61.72 MB


Release date:...... 06 May 2010

Last update:........ 11 May 2014

Publisher review for Jindent 4.2.4:

Review by: Newforms - Software Development
Jindent is a professional source code formatter for the programming languages Java, C and C .

Jindent reduces your cost of software maintenance by formatting your developer\'s source code automatically according your corporate coding standards.

Since Jindent\'s software components are available for all operating systems and integrated development environments, it can be easily embedded in every software development process.

Jindent supports formatting of Java 7, C and C , including a lot of C/C language extensions and dialects.

Jindent offers more than 300 formatting settings for each programming language and provides software components for all purposes: batch formatting, IDE integrations, GUI based standalone.

Formatting features of Jindent cover: Intelligent line wrapping, Indentation, Brace style transformation, Insertion of parantheses and braces, Blank line and white space formatting, Semantic source code separation, Sorting, Headers and footers, JavaDoc insertion, Full encoding support, Alignments and Comments.

Jindent can be integrated in all IDEs: Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA, JDeveloper, JBuilder, Solaris Studio, Visual Studio and Windriver Workbench.

Thousands of companies and organizations are utilizing Jindent - Source Code Formatter for Java/C/C to achieve better source code quality, our customers\' domains include: software development, banking, stock market, logistics, insurance, automotive, aviation and semi-conductor, public authorities, military and educational institutions.
Operating system:
Windows 2K / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit

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Jindent 4.2.4 screenshot. Click to enlarge!

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online TV guide TV program digital TV guide online TV FTP connection access FTP server jEdit plugin source code formatter Java formatter C formatter source code

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