Lomsel Shutdown 1.05
Lomsel Shutdown is a small shutdown utility
Lomsel Shutdown is a small system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations like shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, hibernate workstation, etc.
Software Specs
Publisher:............ Lomsel
License:............... Freeware
File size:.............. 1.08 MB
Release date:...... 30 Nov 2008
Last update:........ 18 Sep 2011
Language:............ English
Publisher review for Lomsel Shutdown 1.05:
Review by: Lomsel
Lomsel Shutdown is a small system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations like shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, hibernate workstation, etc. It also provides fast access to these operations through system tray icon with popup menu. The utility has frendly and a nice looked interface, that allows you to initiate operations mentioned above from your computer.
- LogOff
- Reboot
- Shutdown
- StandBy
- Hibernate
- Lock Workstation
- Turn Off Monitor
- Turn On Monitor
- Turn On screen Saver
- Empty Clipboard
- Empty Trash
- Clear Recent Documents
- Eject CD-ROM
- Close CD-ROM
- Hang up dial-up connection
- Scheduled, immediate and after a process stops actions
- Multi language
- Menu Setup
- Log on after restart
- Mouse actions
- Works on all 32-bit versions of Windows (NT/2000/XP)
- Easy to use
Operating system:
WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000
Release notes:
Minor Update
Lomsel Shutdown screenshots:
Lomsel Shutdown download tags:
shutdown reset logoff hibernate standby
Copyright information:
Based on 3 ratings. 3 user reviews.