OLTaskSync 1.31
Synchronize your Outlook 2000-2003 Tasks over E-Mail.
With OLTaksSync you can synchronize any Outlook-Tasks Folder with anybody else?s. The synchronization works in the background through your e-mail ? allowing synchronizing appointments easily over the net without the need for both parties to be online
Software Specs
Publisher:............ Somebytes
License:............... Shareware
Price:................... $30.00
Expire: ................ 30
File size:.............. 465 KB
Release date:...... 21 Feb 2007
Last update:........ 05 Oct 2012
Language:............ English, German, Spanish
Publisher review for OLTaskSync 1.31:
Review by: Somebytes
With OLTaksSync you can synchronize any Outlook-Tasks Folder with anybody else?s. The synchronization works in the background through your e-mail ? allowing synchronizing appointments easily over the net without the need for both parties to be online at the same time.
The installation is straight forward. To install and use this application you only need your Outlook to be configured with an e-mail account (POP3). After completing the install you will find a new property tab under each Task Folder, where you can administrate the synchronization features. To configure the Add-In you only enter an access key and the e-mail address of your synchronization partner.
OLTaskSync is very convenient to:
- Use your Outlook Tasks from home as well as at the office.
- Let your PA maintain tasks while you are on the other side of the world.
- Synchronize your tasks with friends and family.
- Synchronize your Tasks folder across your team.
- Synchronize the Task folder on your laptop with your desktop.
- Share tasks with other club/association members
- Check tasks against those of colleagues on the road.
- Mark tasks for mobile colleagues.
- Outlook net folder alternative (net folders from OL2000).
Microsoft Outlook 2000/2002/2003
Operating system:
Release notes:
New Release
OLTaskSync screenshots:
OLTaskSync download tags:
Outlook OL2003 OL2002 Add-In Synchronizing Exchange Task
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Based on 10 ratings. 10 user reviews.
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