vManager 1.4.20
A lighting controller enhancement
A lighting controller enhancement
Software Specs
Publisher:............ Visual Productions BV
License:............... Freeware
File size:.............. 11059.2 MB
Release date:...... 30 Sep 2013
Last update:........ 31 Jan 2017
Publisher review for vManager 1.4.20:
Review by: Visual Productions BV
vManager is a software designed to work with the IoCore expansion module in order to enhance the functionality of the CueCore product family or lighting controllers. The application allows you to connect to multiple devices by using the DMX, RS-232 or OSC protocols.
You can use the program to configure the IoCore inputs as digital or analog inputs as the installed hardware requires.
Operating system:
Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
vManager download tags:
lighting controller configure input switch output input
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