Repeated software

findrepe 0.12.0
findrepe is an open source Command Line-based instrument designed for ...
Tags: file search, delete file, searcher , search file
findrepe is an open source Command Line-based instrument designed for ...
Tags: file search, delete file, searcher , search file

REAL Shuffle Player 2.0
REAL Shuffle Player is an efficient and easy to use ...
Tags: randomize playlist, playback , music player, shuffle playlist
REAL Shuffle Player is an efficient and easy to use ...
Tags: randomize playlist, playback , music player, shuffle playlist

Metal Ornamental Pattern Screensaver 1.0
This screensaver lets you observe a live ornamental pattern of ...
Tags:screensaver metal ornamental pattern surreal OpenGL clock live 3D
This screensaver lets you observe a live ornamental pattern of ...
Tags:screensaver metal ornamental pattern surreal OpenGL clock live 3D

Find and Replace Tool for Excel 2.0
Find and Replace Tool For Excel takes ALL the hard ...
Tags: multiple replacing in excel, replace in many excel sheets, find and replace in excel, replacing words in excel
Find and Replace Tool For Excel takes ALL the hard ...
Tags: multiple replacing in excel, replace in many excel sheets, find and replace in excel, replacing words in excel

Find and Replace Tool for Word 2.0
Find and Replace Tool For Word takes ALL the hard ...
Tags: replace in many word documents, replacing words in word, find and replace in word, multiple replacing in word
Find and Replace Tool For Word takes ALL the hard ...
Tags: replace in many word documents, replacing words in word, find and replace in word, multiple replacing in word
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