Blender 2.78c free download

Blender Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-pr


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Blender info:

Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback.

It uses Python as it\\\'s scripting language. Python is used to both run scripts to affect the rendering of scenes and used as the scripting language for the Game engine.

- Revolutionary non-overlapping and non-blocking UI delivers unsurpassed workflow
- Flexible and fully configurable window layout with as many screen setups as you prefer
- Undo support on all levels
- Anti-aliased fonts with international translation support
- Windows for animation curves/keys, outliner, schematic scene diagram, generic node editing system, non-linear video sequence editing, character animation action editor, non-linear animation mixer, image/UV editing, file/image selection and file management
- Built-in text editor for annotations and editing Python scripts
- Graphical user interface for Python scripts
- Custom themes
- Consistent interface across all platforms
- A range of 3D object types including polygon meshes, NURBS surfaces, bezier and B-spline curves, metaballs, vector fonts (TrueType, PostScript, OpenType)
- Very fast Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces with optimal iso-lines display and sharpness editing
- Full multiresolution sculpting capabilities with 2D bitmap/3D procedural brushes (Paint, Smooth, Pinch, Inflate, Grab) supporting symmetry
- Modifier stack deformers such as Lattice, Curve, Armature or Displace
- Mirror modifier with middle vertices clipping and automatic deletion of inner faces
- Non destructive real time Boolean and Array modifiers
- Mesh modeling based on vertex, edge and/or face selection
- Smooth soft selection editing tools for organic modeling
- Python scripting access for custom tools
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