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IM-Soft software
Display results: 1 - 23 from 23

Advanced Desktop Shield 3.21
Protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen
Protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen

Email Privacy
Ensures email security by sending messages directly to recipient mailboxes
Ensures email security by sending messages directly to recipient mailboxes

Access Manager for Windows 9.9
Password protect your PC & Restrict access to to key features of Windows
Password protect your PC & Restrict access to to key features of Windows

1st Mail Server 5.261
Fast and secure SMTP/POP3 server. Lots of features against spam and DDoS.
Fast and secure SMTP/POP3 server. Lots of features against spam and DDoS.

Evidence Exterminator 2.765
Evidence Exterminator safely cleans all tracks left by you while using PC
Evidence Exterminator safely cleans all tracks left by you while using PC

Easy File & Folder Protector 5.132
Password protect files and folders by a time schedule
Password protect files and folders by a time schedule

Advanced SMTP Server 5.27
Advanced SMTP Server is a local SMTP server program for Windows
Advanced SMTP Server is a local SMTP server program for Windows

Disk Drive Administrator 10.0
Hide, lock, protect local, network, USB, Floppy drives, disable AutoRun.
Hide, lock, protect local, network, USB, Floppy drives, disable AutoRun.

1st Mass Mailer 6.9
1st Mass Mailer is a very fast mass mailer with a lot of useful features.
1st Mass Mailer is a very fast mass mailer with a lot of useful features.

Advanced Internet Kiosk 7.6
Build Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals.
Build Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals.

Hide Files & Folders 3.591
Hide Files & Folders from viewing and searching, or protect them by password
Hide Files & Folders from viewing and searching, or protect them by password

SMTP Server Pro 5.25
Easy-to-use SMTP POP3 mail server program designed for high-volume messaging.
Easy-to-use SMTP POP3 mail server program designed for high-volume messaging.

Best Network Security 3.06
The best solution for corporations, universities, schools, public libraries etc.
The best solution for corporations, universities, schools, public libraries etc.

1st Email Searcher 3.299
1st Email Searcher - find emal adresses in internet or files and folders.
1st Email Searcher - find emal adresses in internet or files and folders.

Outlook Express Security 2.39
Disable access to Outlook Express and password-protect its message base.
Disable access to Outlook Express and password-protect its message base.

Outlook Express Backup Restore 2.32
Backup your Outlook Express and restore it when it is necessary.
Backup your Outlook Express and restore it when it is necessary.

Subscribe Emails 2.595
Organize subscription to email mailing lists on Internet websites
Organize subscription to email mailing lists on Internet websites
Popular tags
Encrypt Hide Delete Secure Encryption Hiding Deletion Security Maxcrypt Maxconceal